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Our Mission, Beliefs and Vision


Crestwood Local Schools


…Striving to meet the needs of Every Child, Every Day...


Our Mission

To help students identify, nurture, and maximize their unique talents, abilities, and skills as they prepare to become successful and productive members of society in the 21st century.


Our Beliefs

  • Student success is our top priority
  • Students learn in different ways, and therefore, must be provided with opportunities that meet their individual needs
  • The ever-changing needs of students require on-going staff development and knowledge of the best instructional practices
  • We will strive for excellence on local, state, federal, and international measures of achievement
  • Collaboration among students, staff, parents and the community is essential for continuous improvement
  • Safe and educationally appropriate facilities are essential for the well-being of our students
  • We embrace the small-town values of our community such as  honesty, integrity, and accountability
  • We will seek  value for every dollar we spend to support and educate students
  • Quality relationships thrive in an atmosphere of  trust and mutual respect
  • We seek consensus and we respect our differences


Our Vision

I. Academic Priorities:  The district emphasizes that “student success is our top priority.” To this end we emphasize the following expectations:


  1. Consistent and measurable academic progress for every student and for district performance on local, state, federal, and international measures of achievement resulting from:
    • High expectations and accountability for students, teachers, and administrators
    • Class sizes conducive to a quality education
    • Intervention and tutoring to assist every student in need of help
    • Consistency and continuity of academic programs
    • Ongoing dialogue with parents regarding academic needs and progress of their children
    • Sufficient administrative support to ensure quality instruction and accountability

·         Intervention and support for “at-risk” students who do not qualify for special education programs

·         A wide range of options, rigorous coursework, and guidance to assist and challenge all students as they pursue their academic, job, and career aspirations


  1. Quality personalized guidance for parents and students as they transition among buildings and from high school to post-secondary opportunities
  2. Ongoing staff development in best practices in instruction, assessment, and classroom technology



II. Financial, Business, and Facilities Priorities:  Quality business and support services shall exist throughout the district emphasizing the following expectations:


  1. Buildings and grounds will be safe, educationally appropriate, and represented well to the community
  2. Ongoing assessment and attention to facilities to meet current and future needs
  3. Transportation services will meet the expectations of the community
  4. Quality technological support for instructional and administrative purposes


III. Communication &Public Engagement:  Quality two-way communications shall exist within the school-community. To this end we emphasize the following expectations:


  1. Open and honest communication will exist among the board, the administration, the staff, and the community
  2. District mission, beliefs, vision, and goals will be clearly defined  and highly visible
  3. Community groups will be invited to provide input concerning district plans
  4. The district website will be enhanced to provide current information  about the district and more interactivity with parents
  5. Crestwood Comments will be upgraded as the district’s  main source of outgoing communication
  6. Board members will receive sufficient information from the administration in order to make informed decisions


IV. School Climate Priorities: The district emphasizes the importance of maintaining a positive school climate and emphasizes the following expectations:


  1. Parents and community members will be welcomed  into the schools
  2. We will strive to be good listeners and help employees feel valued
  3. We will strive to help students feel safe, challenged, and valued
  4. Students will have sufficient opportunities to participate in extra and co-curricular activities regardless of background or ability
  5. All district programs and operations will be conducted in a manner consistent with our mission and beliefs